Our Purpose, Mission, and Values
Can clothes really make you happy? Does what we wear really have the power to boost confidence?
The answer is ABSOLUTELY...at least according to Prof. Carolyn Mair PhD, a behavioral psychologist and author of The Psychology of Fashion.
“When we feel good in what we are wearing, we tend to be more confident,” says Mair. “When we are confident, we are able to exert influence through our confidence alone. When we feel good, we are likely to be perceived as looking good too, as our posture, voice and other nonverbal aspects will be more positive.”
Viva Vitae Fashion is fueled by the founder's passion for resiliency and supporting women who've experienced adversity in any form. Women are powerful and our state of minds should always be that of a QUEEN! We are pushed and pulled in multiple directions daily, asked to wear many hats, and are depended upon by many. More than often we forget about ourselves because we're focused on everyone else in our lives. Viva Vitae Fashion is here to remind you that YOU matter too. In order for us to be great, to show up as our best selves, we have to fall madly in love with ourselves! Self-care is so critical when you're the primary person in many lives. Ladies, we must take care of ourselves inside and out. There are many unique things that we each do to bring ourselves peace and happiness internally, so let Viva Vitae help you with the external! If you want to increase your wellbeing, and positively impact your mental health - slip into something that makes you walk taller, adds a little bounce to your step, and puts a smile on your face as you look at your reflection in the mirror. According to Mair, our clothes are our second skin, and it’s not purely how we feel when we’re wearing them that makes a difference:
“What we wear is how we show ourselves to those we interact with - we are influenced by their reaction to it. If we are well received, it boosts our confidence and can ultimately affect our wellbeing.”